If direct ordering within China Machine Shop CAD does not work or you need a manual quote
In the top view of the drawing, create a Comment to Machinist (CTM) reading: ‘Manual quotation requested’ and submit using the “Request Quotation” button shown at the bottom of the analyzer pane,ORuse the pop-up dialogthat may appear afterseveral unsuccessful attemptsto analyze.
China Machine Shop will contact you with a price to proceed with your order, or to follow up with you regarding technical details.
You mayalsoreach out for further assistanceby visiting our Contact page,using the “CAD Help…” subject line, and attaching your .emsfile.
If analyzer errors cannot be resolved
Make a backup copy of your design.
Delete each line one at a time, and repeat for each view.
Choose menu Edit > Undo to add one line back to the drawing.
Choose menu Job > Price/Analyze and see if the design passes.
If the design passes, continue undoing deletions one-by-one until you find the line(s) that are causing the issue.
If the lines that are causing the error are essential, change them to Comments to Machinist via the line type droplist and describe the situation.
If the analyzer or workspace takes too long or freezes
If your design has a large number of repeated features or line segments, change all lines but one to Comments to Machinist and add a comment specifying to machine all Comments to Machinist lines relative to the one line.
Although most designs running on computers under three years old should take less than a couple minutes to analyze and price, some designs can take substantially longer – as much as 20 to 30 minutes or more.
If you are unable to price even after commenting lines, please send your design China Machine Shop via CAD menu Help | Troubleshooting, for analysis.
If the Job | Price command does not lead to a price
Although most designs running on computers under three years old should take less than a couple minutes to analyze and price, some designs can take substantially longer – as much as 20 to 30 minutes or more.
If you are unable to price even after commenting lines, please send your design China Machine Shop via CAD menu Help | Troubleshooting, for analysis.
For error, “Unable to connect to server to update price file”
Although most designs running on computers under three years old should take less than a couple minutes to analyze and price, some designs can take substantially longer – as much as 20 to 30 minutes or more.
If you are unable to price even after commenting lines, please send your design China Machine Shop via CAD menu Help | Troubleshooting, for analysis.
If you can’t get the price file to download automatically, download the price file manually shortly before placing each order
Although most designs running on computers under three years old should take less than a couple minutes to analyze and price, some designs can take substantially longer – as much as 20 to 30 minutes or more.
If you are unable to price even after commenting lines, please send your design China Machine Shop via CAD menu Help | Troubleshooting, for analysis.
H. Program freezes before giving price
Although most designs running on computers under three years old should take less than a couple minutes to analyze and price, some designs can take substantially longer – as much as 20 to 30 minutes or more.
If you are unable to price even after commenting lines, please send your design China Machine Shop via CAD menu Help | Troubleshooting, for analysis.
If the Job | Price command does not lead to a price
Although most designs running on computers under three years old should take less than a couple minutes to analyze and price, some designs can take substantially longer – as much as 20 to 30 minutes or more.
If you are unable to price even after commenting lines, please send your design China Machine Shop via CAD menu Help | Troubleshooting, for analysis.
For error, “Unable to connect to server to update price file”
Although most designs running on computers under three years old should take less than a couple minutes to analyze and price, some designs can take substantially longer – as much as 20 to 30 minutes or more.
If you are unable to price even after commenting lines, please send your design China Machine Shop via CAD menu Help | Troubleshooting, for analysis.
If you can’t get the price file to download automatically, download the price file manually shortly before placing each order
Although most designs running on computers under three years old should take less than a couple minutes to analyze and price, some designs can take substantially longer – as much as 20 to 30 minutes or more.
If you are unable to price even after commenting lines, please send your design China Machine Shop via CAD menu Help | Troubleshooting, for analysis.